Common materials for medical cooler bags 2023-09-12

Medical cooler bags usually need to meet certain standards and regulations to ensure that the temperature and humidity inside the bag can be maintained within a certain range. In addition, the materials used for the cooler bag should also have certain characteristics, such as good insulation performance, water resistance, shock resistance, easy to clean and so on. Common materials for cooler bags include:

1.Polyethylene (PE): PE is a kind of translucent thermoplastic elastomer plastic. PE cooler bags are cheap, soft and easy to clean, but they are not very waterproof and not very durable.

2.Polypropylene (PP): PP is a kind of white hard plastic. PP cooler bags are wear-resistant, waterproof and easy to clean, but they are not very soft and not very transparent.

3.Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): PVC is a kind of hard plastic. PVC cooler bags are wear-resistant, waterproof and easy to clean, but they are difficult to degrade and may cause environmental pollution.

4.Polyurethane (PU): PU is a kind of elastic plastic. PU cooler bags have good insulation performance, water resistance and shock resistance, but they are expensive and difficult to clean.

5.Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): PET is a kind of transparent hard plastic. PET cooler bags are wear-resistant, transparent and easy to clean, but they are not very soft and not very waterproof.

It should be noted that the selection of materials should also consider the use requirements and cost factors according to actual conditions.

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